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Software Updates

DDSI recently changed Internet Service Providers, and that change effects the Automatic Update capability of the cpcAdmin module.

If you are looking for updates to the software, please contact technical support for information on how to obtain the update. Once the update has been applied, the automatic updates will resume normal operation.

End Of Support Announcement

Microsoft has officially begun requesting that users running Windows 98, 98 SE, and Millennium Edition (ME) upgrade their operating system as soon as possible. The Redmond Company will cease all public and technical support for the products on July 11, 2006, including all security updates. (see

With that announcement, DDSI must also discontinue support of all DDSI Imaging products on these platforms as of July 11th, 2006.

Without the proper security updates and patches to these operating systems, it is no longer feasible to provide technical support on these operating systems platforms.

DDSI Imaging products will be supported on Microsoft operating system platforms as long as they are in the Microsoft Product Life Cycle. These platforms currently include;

  •  Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4 or higher)
  •  Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or higher)
  •  Windows 2003 (Service Pack 2 or higher)
  •  Windows Vista (Service Pack 1 or higher)
  •  Windows 7

DDSI urges customers to begin looking at upgrading operating systems to Windows 2000 or higher before support is no longer available for these platforms.

Please note that certain hardware components associated with the Imaging Software may need to be upgraded to continue using the product.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact DDSI Technical support. 

  • 04/01/2005 - Again, due to the continuous battle to prevent security problems, the Support Forum software has been upgraded. Unfortunately, you must re-register in order to gain access. The free registration process will include email verification, and YOU MUST put your Agency Name in the Occupation field during registration. Unverified registrants will no longer be allowed access. This forum software is much better than the previous software, with many more options and better security. 
  • 03/24/2005 - Due to security problems and undesirables attempting to inject porn sites into the support forum, effective immediately the support forum will only be for registered and verified users. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please make use of this valuable tool.
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