Please provide the following information:

Mug Shots / Lineups Accident Scene Drawing
ID Badges / Wristbands Document Imaging
Composite Sketching Fingerprint Matching Verification / Identification
Crime Scene Drawing Livescan / 10 Print
System Integration  

Contact Name:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Best time to contact you for follow-up:
Follow-up preference:
How many Police Officers/Jailers do you currently have?
How many annual arrests/bookings are made?
Who is your current records/jail management vendor?
What hardware platform are you using?
Do you have a MIS Department?
Do you have an existing mug shot or document imaging system?
If yes, what is the name of it?
If not, how are you currently taking mug shots?
Do you currently use ID Badges or Wristbands?
What is your budget cycle?
Do you have funds budgeted for this project?
Approximately how much?
Will you be going out to bid?
If yes, approximately?
Are there any other applications you are looking for at this time?
Does your city/county utilize a document imaging program?
Are your fingerprints done manually?
Are your fingerprints done via Livescan/AFIS?
If yes, what is the name of the system?
Are you interested in Grant Information
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.
click on the submit button and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

Image verification

To submit this form, please enter the characters you see in the image: